• Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India
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GKFTII Convocation Ceremony of 13th & 14th Batch

GKFTII Convocation Ceremony of 13th & 14th Batch

GKFTII Convocation Ceremony of 13th & 14th Batch |

Convocation has deep significance in lives of both trainer and trainee.This event brings huge satisfaction and happiness to the trainer when he can hear success stories of his disciples while they follow the footsteps of their seniors. On the other hand, after having a grueling stint in the packed curriculum of the academy, the students feel mesmerizedby the charm of visualizing about stepping into their dream world and attaining their aspirations. With prayers and blessings, Trainers set their students to sail as they are all geared up for the ‘D Day Landing’ at our film line Normandy, the Mumbai Film Industry and the media industry.

Ms Nirvana Sawhney, alumnus of Lee Strasberg and a renowned international actress with several hit films like Jalebi, Bin Kuch Kahey, etc. was the chief guest of the convocation ceremony. She appreciated the efforts of GKFTII team for providing such wonderful facilities to students. She was enthralled to see the enthusiasm and energy in them. Ms Nirvana Sawhney, giving a personal touch to her short speech, disclosed that during her initial days she suffered heavily from stage fear, which even caused black-outs on stage. With formal training, more and more exposure and experience she had graduallygained confidence and was now in complete control of her emotions. When asked about the secret of her success, she admitted humbly that the main driving forces that brought success in her life was her honesty and sincerity.

The Dean of Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India, GKFTII, Prof Kalyan Sarkarin his send-off address, reminded students the old proverb that says “Man can climb to highest summit, but he cannot dwell there for long” and brought out an analogy with being successful and being able to retain the success in films industry. He further emphasized that these youngsters should foremost strive to be good human beings and rest of the things in life will follow with adequate positive efforts. At GKFTII the media training is a fusion of art with science with intermingling of traditional methods with modern advancements. This home grown rich magic potion is the secret behind the success of Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India in such a small time.

This modest ceremony was organized for motivating and inspiring the One hundred and forty students who successfully passed out with flying colors. Prof Kalyan Sarkar expressed satisfaction in the training and thanked all the teachers and the supporting staff for bringing out the latent talents of students in the surface, thus ensuring successful careers for these new entrants to the media industry. As the students were brimming with confidence,Dr Deepti Trivedi, the Vice President GKFTII mentioned that some students are bound to uplift the bench-mark even higher. She congratulated the Dean and his very efficient team.

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